New Covenant is an active ministry that believes in honoring the gifts and “treasures” that exist within each member. Our listing of ministries reflects the God-given mission, vision, and values of New Covenant. Our vision calls us to welcome the CommUnity with love, seek understanding, and spiritual maturity, and stand for our God's purpose through justice and service. Our vision has three mandates: Health, Social Justice, and CommUnity.
To greet and serve God's people with his love by setting the spiritual tone to help lead the people into readiness for worshipping, learning, and evangelism.
Special Services
To carefully review each event ensuring it encompasses the mission, vision, and values of New Covenant Christian Church, to provide a concrete plans for a successful event, and to ensure all that we do will be done in the Spirit of Excellence.
Youth Ministry
To empower students to do the work of God through ministry, evangelism, fellowship, and discipleship; while enlightening students on being a person of God through study, worship, praise and prayer.
To perform all tasks required by Scriptures and the Pastoral vision for the church.
Oasis of Wholeness Health Ministry
To educate our community on wellness, disease prevention and promote health and healing.
My Sister's Keeper (MSK)
Is a Christ-centered ministry that focuses on promoting discipleship and encouraging congregational, local, national, and global community among women through fellowship, service, and activism.
Classic Saints
Are baptized believers in Christ of the highest class serving as outstanding representatives of our generation having lasting significance and worth. Scripture: In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap Psalm 92:14 NRSV
Assimilation Ministry
To connect all current members and new members to at least one ministry within NCCC.
Rock of Christ (ROC) Ministry
Letting no one get lost in the cracks of the ROCK, Daily seeking God's wisdom to discern his plan for our lives as we authentically care for all with love and unity.
Kidzone Children's Ministry
The Kidzone ministry at New Covenant Christian Church exists to provide all children with a solid spiritual foundation for their future growth and life in Christ. Children’s Church meets on 2nd and 4th Sunday each month.
Celebration of Life Ministry
To provide spiritual and supportive services to NCCC families experiencing bereavement and acknowledging families celebrating life's milestones, wedding anniversaries, birthday and new births.
Christian Education
To educate, equip and empower biblical study.
Outreach Ministry
This ministry supports the vision of New Covenant Christian Church through Christ’s concern for people, both individually and collectively in the CommUnity and globally by providing the church opportunities to minister the love, compassion, justice, and advocacy of Christ..
Photography Ministry
To capture moments with images that engage, inspire and reflect God’s love.
Hospitality Ministry
To welcome and serve all God's people with our gifts and talents by providing nourishing meals.